Frequently Asked Questions

What is Mk Research Panels?

Mk Research Panels is an online platform for Medical Doctors, Patients, Businesses and consumers to voice their opinion through online surveys and earn rewards, vouchers and cash payments every day.

How do I become a member?

To register, simply click on 'Register' and fill the basic information. Once you created the account you can Login anytime by clicking on ‘Login’

Is it free to register?

The platform is free to join, and all completed surveys are rewarded.

Is there a minimum period for membership?

No. While we look forward to your continued participation with Mk Research Panels Surveys, you will be under No Obligation to sign up with us for a minimum period. If you wish to unsubscribe or cancel your membership, you can do it anytime.

How will I be contacted?

Our primary mode of communication is through emails. Your email address is used to send survey invitations and messages about Mk Research Panels. While emails are the main channel, there may be instances where we contact you via SMS, phone calls.

Who is eligible to Participate Surveys?

Medical Doctors, HCPs, Patients, Businesses, Consumers who are above 18+ years are all eligible.

What kind of Surveys will I be asked to participate in?

You may receive invitations to participate in surveys covering a variety of global topics and interests.

The surveys will be sent to you based on your registered profile.

For Eg. If you are a Doctor, you will receive surveys related to healthcare.

If you are consumer you receive consumer related topics and so on.

Can I choose not to participate?


Can I participate surveys from my Mobile or Tablet?

Yes, you can participate in surveys through any mobile device, tablet, or PC/laptop.

If a survey specifically requires completion from a particular device, we will specify this in your invitation.

Will I get paid?

Absolutely! We highly value your time and opinions, and each successfully completed survey will be generously rewarded.

Can I fill out an incomplete survey later?

We recommend completing the survey in your first attempt to ensure a smooth experience.

How can I receive more surveys?

To ensure smooth communication, please ensure your profile is 100% complete.

The more you participate on available surveys the more you are likely to get invited for fresh surveys.

How many points will I earn for my participation?

The opportunity to earn reward points kicks off the moment you register with with Mk Research Panels. Successful registration rewards you with a generous joining bonus. You can also earn referral Bonus.

The point value will depend on the type and complexity of the survey.

How can I increase my points?

Participate more and more surveys and other activities on Mk Research Panels, refer your friends.

Do my points expire after some time?

Points are valid for a duration of 12 months.

How many points can I earn for a reference?

When a friend registers and successfully completes first survey, you will receive 100 points.

How many points makes a Dollar?

1 USD = 100 points

How do I participate in surveys?

After you complete your registration, you can login to your account.

Surveys are published in the main dashboard area, but survey notifications are also sent by email.

Do you offer cash rewards as well?

Yes, we do

What is the typical survey duration?

This information will be available on the survey invite. Most surveys will be less than 15 minutes.

Why am I not receiving any email update?

If your emails are lost due to heavy web traffic, please check both your inbox and SPAM/JUNK folder. Open the email and click on 'Not spam' and move the email to inbox. Refresh the website for updates.

For any further queries, please contact us at, and we will take the necessary action.

My Account has been blocked, why?

In cases of any account engaging in fraudulent activities or impersonates others through multiple accounts, we may block the account temporarily or, in severe instances, permanently.

Kindly reach out to for further queries.

Every survey invitation is tailored to your role and interests through careful analysis. If you choose not to participate in a specific survey, you can ignore. Rest assured, there will likely be other surveys that align more closely with your interests.

Why am I not able to redeem my points?

To redeem points, a minimum of 1000 points is required. If you have accrued more than 1000 points and encounter any issues, please feel free to contact us at and we will investigate the matter promptly.

How will the rewards be paid to me?

Our reward payout is simple and convenient.

Upon successful completion of each survey, the amount earned will be credited to your Mk Research Panels wallet. You can redeem these points at your convenience.

Does anyone have access to my personal information?

Absolutely Not! Protecting your privacy is of the utmost importance to us. We employ sophisticated technology to protect your personal information.

Who do I reach out for any queries?

Please drop a message to

You can also raise a ticket from you Mk Research Panels account.

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